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OTC / Un-Prescribed Medicines and Health

otc medicine - netmedicines

otc medicine

Dear Readers, its general practice among a few of us that upon illness they directly go to a pharmacist and ask OTC medicines on assumed symptoms.

Such Medicine purchase is called OTC Medicine Buying, which is a very dangerous practice for our health.

some popular OTC meds such as Antibiotics, and Pain Killers are available online or at Pharmacy Shops without any prescription.

Taking Antibiotics regularly is not a healthy habit, Antibiotics kill our body cells, which unknowingly kills our Immunity.

OTC Medicines

OTC Medicines Are Harmful Because?

Such OTC Medicines and Antibiotics or any Ointment is not beneficial for permanent illness treatment. So, it is better to Consult Medical Practitioner before consuming any Un-prescribed Medicines.

Today is a Technology age, many online medicinal websites Sites and Applications provides Video Medical Consultation. Where we can consult with expert doctors to treat our illness by sitting from our home or office.

Over the Counter (OTC) medicines are not beneficial moreover harmful to our health. And that’s why we feel Buying OTC Medicines is a Play with our Health which, must Avoid.

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