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What is Gingival Recession aka Gums Receding?

gums receding

gums receding

Gingival recession or gums receding is a condition in which the gums pull away from the teeth, exposing the roots. This can lead to sensitivity, tooth loss, and other problems. Our teeth are one of the important part of our body system’s, as our teeth helps to properly chew the food and make it in a digestible form to ease our digestion system and hence the health of our teeth is very important.

gums problem

Causes of Gingival Recession / Gums Receding:

There are many causes of gingival recession, including:

Precautions to Take to Prevent Gingival Recession / Gums Receding:

There are a number of things you can do to prevent gingival recession, including:

Treatment for Gingival Recession:

If you have gingival recession, your dentist may recommend a number of treatments, including:


Gingival recession is a serious condition that can lead to sensitivity, tooth loss, and other problems. If you have gingival recession, it is important to see your dentist for treatment. With proper treatment, you can prevent further gum recession and protect your teeth and gums. As our teeth are very important part of our body system, we should always seek dentist visit once in a month to check for any dental problems and do necessary medication to maintain our teeth health.

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