How to Survive During Pandemic?How to Survive During Pandemic?

“Pandemics” today in this 21st century are also observing Major Health Disasters which created survival pressure against the entire Health System of the World & A Major Threat to human Species on our Mother Earth. so, lets know more about How to Survive During Pandemic.

Today’s we can see the highest technology growth & research in Health Industry. But along with the Growth in technology diseases are also changing their intensity and becoming high impacting.

We are today witnessing Covid -19 Pandemics and its deadliest effects on all over the world population.

What we learn from this Covid – 19, Ebola and Bird flu Pandemic?

All these pandemics are today become a major threat to humankind, by becoming Mass Killing Diseases.

as per the Primary news, Covid-19 was an outbreak from the Wet Market of China where different types of Species and creatures are sold for human consumption.

And we can surely say that nature has given us a signal to learn to value the life of other creatures on earth and to make necessary changes in our life by changing our Habits.

How to survive pandemic situations?

Man with wearing Viral Safety Gear

Yes, if you follow to work on following things are needed for survival from any such future pandemic.

There is an immediate Need to Go for More Vegan Food Options as well, Instead of Eating Raw Meat it should be prepared with the Best of Hygiene, Cleaning & Heat base Cooking Treatment before consuming to make yourself from the threat of any such future pandemic or any viral infections.

Our Health is always dependent on what and how we eat and so if we want ourselves to survive the next pandemic, we need to adopt a Good Food Diet to energize our body which can fight Disease & infections.

We can see many people around us ignoring their health and avoiding good lifestyle practices due to their Busy Lifestyle.

There is an immediate need to follow good lifestyle practices to make ourselves healthier. Our health is the key to fight with any kind of Such Health Hazards caused due to Pandemic Diseases.

A good lifestyle includes Daily Exercise, Meditation, Good and timely Eating Habits, Reducing Stress, and taking a Good Sleep.

  • Body Hygiene

Body Hygiene plays an important role in keeping us healthy. If we neglect the Hygienic body, then obviously it can be attacked by external viruses.

Daily Bathing with Hot / Cold water as per your regional environment is essential.

In Hot weather region, it is advised to bathe twice because our body creates sweating in hot weather. Where this sweating can be a home of such viruses which may later affect our Skin & health. And so Daily Bathing can’t be avoided for preventing viral disease.


Hand wash is a part of our day-to-day hygienic life, but before Covid-19 many people were not caring to wash their hands before eating.

But During Pandemic covid-19 Regular Hand wash was considered as the best preventive method for keeping ourselves safe from Covid-19.

Using Hand Sanitizer or Washing hands with Soap & Water is the best practice to stop the spread of deadly viruses.

  • Wearing Mask

Mask has played an important role to lower the infection spread during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Earlier very few people were knowing the importance of Masks.

Many Health Workers were using masks during their duty time to save themselves from Viral Spreads. But now it is proved that Mask can prevent us from Spreading Deadliest virus-like Covid-19.

So, it is important to regularize the practice of wearing a mask in crowded places and using public transport and during communicating in Groups.

  • Regular Health Checkup

The covid-19 pandemic proved critical for people with diseases like Blood Pressure, Sugar, and cardiovascular disease. Regular health checkups and medication from a doctor become more important after pandemics.

Many hospitals are offering discounted Annual Health Checkup and advisory Packages. It is recommended to watch your body health condition and do changes in lifestyle accordingly to prevent from Next Pandemic attack.

  • Insurance & Better Financial Planning

Suddenly increased Healthcare Expenses and loss of jobs due to lockdown and the economic slowdown was the major loss to the people in the entire world. This can solve survival in finance side.

Disease Treatment required lots of money because of increased medical costs. and in absence of Good Health insurance. it can be a financial disaster to the middle class and lower-income people.

This Pandemic shows us the necessity of Health Insurance for everyone. Good health Insurance always helps a family to save huge sudden medical expenses in emergencies like Pandemic.

Today many financial planners recommend having Good Health insurance for the entire family can save families from such financial crisis during the Unexpected Hit of Critical Disease and Pandemic Diseases.

Today Money is very much important due to increased inflation. And No-one can take Guaranty of Economical condition of any part of the world. All over the world was hit by Covid-19.

Many companies and businesses stopped working; many people become jobless. Found a sudden created survival due to increase in demand of life necessary goods which brought short term Shortfall & un-necessary price hike.

And if we want to tackle such situation in future then we need a good amount of saving. what we earn today should be Invested in with Good and Safe financial return schemes. So, that saved money can be used to survive any such future Pandemic situation.

Managing Money Properly is always important in our life. and so, with Better Financial planning. Everybody should have a Buffer Money Saving’s sufficient for 1 to 2 Years of survival. Which will help to fight with Economic Crisis driven by pandemics in the future.

  • Good Personal Relations and Happy Thoughts

Friends, pandemics stopped our social life at one point when worldwide countries decided to follow a Lock-down. where all person of a family has to stay inside the house for long hours. Which created lots of mental pressure on many of us.

Women have to do more household work, preparing food, taking kids online classes and studies which created a lot of pressure on them. As well for Men the main pressure was decreased earnings and problems like Job Loss.

Such conditions created lots of pressure on the individual where moral support of other family members becomes more important for survival out of such depressing situations.

Person-to-person moral support and healthy communication play a very important role in lowering the impact of such a negative situation of Pandemic. And this will also guide on How to Survive During Pandemic?

Panic situations are now clearing, the entire world is now coming out with survival from the adverse impacts of the Pandemic after finding a vaccination cure on Covid-19. Now it’s time to enhance the person-to-personal relationships in our surroundings to make our life happy again and make ourselves ready with Good Hope for the Better Future.

We hope you enjoy above article on how to Survive During Pandemic.

Thanks for Reading Team

Prashant V

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