human papillomavirus infection (HPV) which is a reason of Cervical cancer become a major threat to all women’s and their motherhood. This disease is a formation of a malignant tumor of the cervix in the lowermost a part of the uterus caused by infection of papillomavirus.

And this disease of the uterus (womb) that may be avoided by using PAP smear screening and an HPV vaccine.

Symptoms of HPV / Human Papillomavirus Infection

  • Heavy Bleeding during period & After intercourse with partner
  • Foul Smelly white discharge
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Lower Abdomen Pain
  • Infection in women internal organs
  • Sometimes it also doesn’t show any symptoms unless done medical routine checkup

Treatment for cervical cancer

  • Surgery and removal of uterus / part of uterus
  • Radiation and Chemotherapy with medication

Effects on a person’s life with Cervical Cancer of HPV Infection

  • Women may lose their motherhood choice, after removal of highly infected uterus
  • Severed Pain and loss in immunity
  • Disturbed social and personal life
  • Life threat severe infection pain, Chemotherapy / Radiation therapy Pain and related health issues
  • HPV is a common virus that may passed from one partner to another and may create threat of infection to partner in case of un-protected intercourse with infected person.

Introduction & importance of Precautionary HPV Vaccine for girls and why it should be necessary to every girl child today

  • papillomavirus infection is a main reason of cervical cancer / uterus cancer in women’s, and as per a study in India around 66% of cervical cancer diseased women’s are infected due to HPV – 16-18 type of virus
  • out of worldwide critical and life-threatening diseases for women’s, Cervical or uterus cancer is the 2nd largest
  • today worldwide annual diagnosing rate of cervical cancer or uterus cancer is around 5 lacs patient per year and out of it 75 thousand are found in India
  • Health organizations and social clubs in India like rotary club recommends HPV Vaccine compulsion in to 10 to 16 age group girls mainly from Tribal regions
  • HPV Vaccination before marriage helps girls to avoid papillomavirus infection in future.
  • This HPV Vaccination is not helpful on Sexual disease / HIV or other intercourse infections, but it is effective on reducing cervical cancer
  • HPV Vaccine helps to directly reduce threat of Uterus / cervical cancer threat by 60% to 70%
  • HPV Vaccine is recommended for only girls above 10 years old and is beneficial more when being given to the girls age of group10 to 16 years
  • HPV Vaccine is given in Arm muscles
  • Frequency of this vaccine is 2 times in a 6-month gap
  • HPV Vaccine should avoid taking on empty stomach and also avoid HPV Vaccine dose if have any other critical disease treatment undergoing which may lower immunity
  • Take rest for 15 to 20 minutes after HPV Vaccination
  • Inquire about HPV Vaccine at your Govt Health Center and nearest doctor
  • Cervical cancer / uterus cancer treatment is very expensive and painful; hence it is better to given HPV Vaccine compulsory to every girl child of age group 10 to 16 years to avoid the future threat

We hope you will be benefited with above information on (HPV) human papillomavirus infection and HPV Vaccine Importance for Girl’s to save the threat of Cervical or Uterus Cancer.

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