HIV/AIDS Disease become today’s one of the most fearing and critical disease in the entire world, HIV/AIDS was first discovered in 1981 by the doctor’s team of New York and Los Angeles.

on December 1st every year World HIV Day celebrated worldwide in the form of spreading mass awareness and mourn to the diseased & initiate & review work was done for the HIV / AIDS Infected People.

HIV called as a Human immunodeficiency virus infection and AIDS is defined as acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Simply

How HIV / AIDS Spreads in our Body

HIV damages our immune system and interferes with the body’s ability to fight with infection and disease. It spreads through contact with HIV infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids. HIV virus multiplies itself and destroys our body immunity cells, some people with HIV develop regular flu-like symptoms 2 to 4 weeks after getting the virus.

How to Detect / Diagnose HIV / AIDS

* An HIV antigen/antibody test performed at lab on blood from a vein can usually detect HIV 18 to 45 days after exposure.
* A rapid HIV antigen/antibody test available done by a finger stick. HIV Antigen/antibody tests done with blood from a finger stick can take 18 to 90 days after exposure.

Symptoms of HIV/AIDS

* Symptoms can develop such as fever, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes.
* Untreated, HIV typically turns into AIDS in about 8 to 10 years.

How to treat / Cure HIV / AIDS

As of today, no cure available for HIV/AIDS and wide research going on so in future this virus can be treated completely through medication. today with few available medications may help to reduce the infection and prevent disease progression in HIV infected person.

No cure exists for HIV/AIDS, but available medications and healthy lifestyle can help to control HIV and prevent disease progression.
And with the help of regular annual health checkups and HIV Tests helps on time detection and treatment of HIV/AIDS,

As per research made on HIV Detection with the highest numbers of HIV / AIDS Positive patients in South Africa (7.5 million), followed by Mozambique (2.2 million), India (2.1 million) and Nigeria (1.8 million) reported the highest HIV/AIDS number of cases during the year 2022.

Country like Eswatini as per a report in 2019 27% of the country’s population found HIV Positive, which are things to watch out deeply by Health authorities. Whereas in South Africa alone around 72000 deaths reported in the year 2019 for HIV/AIDS Positive patients is a serious concern.

Due to regular Awareness programs and NHS strict AIDS Fight Initiatives most of the people with HIV in the U.S. don’t develop AIDS. And today we can see many courtiers with the help of Govt & NGOs are adopting a change to fight against AIDS / HIV Spread in worldwide. the Noble Health organizations like Red Cross & WHO together working extensively for creating more awareness and Empower programs to educate people and reduce threat of HIV Pandemic.

What to do for safeguarding from HIV/AIDS

  • Healthy lifestyle with daily Exercise and good diet is essential along with nutrition supplements to increase body immunity.
  • Annual Medical Checkup and Periodic HIV Test is essential for everyone.
  • Always prefer Fresh or Well Sterilized Syringes / Medical Equipment’s. Always keep watch on treatments when you are going during any medical situation. refuse treatment with any reused Infected Injection syringes and unhygienic unsterilized medical equipment’s. This is a great step to prevent yourself from contracting the HIV/AIDS. Reused Injection Syringes are dangerous; hence, those must be avoided in any circumstances.
  • Unprotected and Un-natural sexual Intercourse may also spread HIV from one partner to other including Gay / Bisexual people unsafe intercourse. Using contraceptive during sexual intercourse helps to reduce risk of HIV Transmission.
  • Voluntarily HIV Test before marriage can help to reduce a risk of HIV spread from one partner to other through sexual intercourse.
  • HIV is not a spreadable disease, and it don’t transmit through a normal touch.

HIV Can stopped with simple precautions such as routine health checkups and maintaining healthy lifestyle.

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