How to Treat Face Hyper-pigmentation Naturally

Hyperpigmentation Skin Disease Treatment

Hyperpigmentation problem is the most common skin issue now a days among many people. Most common questions to dermatologists asked by people on Skin Pigmentation as below.

  • How can I get rid of Pigmentation on face?
  • Is Pigmentation on face curable?
  • Which Fruit is good for Pigmentation on Face?
  • Ayurveda Treatment For Pigmentation on Face?

and if you have same question as above then you are reading correct article.

How to Treat Face Hyperpigmentation Skin Disease
Girl with Skin Spots / Pigmentation

What is Pigmentation and Why it appears on face?

hyperpigmentation on face mostly occurs because of too much exposure to outside increased pollution and because of change in our faster lifestyle, one of the major reasons for pigmentation on face is too much exposure to sun and inflammation.

Pigmentation on face is curable, you can get rid of hyperpigmentation easily, but you have to follow some techniques and there is a need to make certain changes in your lifestyle and food.

There are lot of Ayurveda treatment for pigmentation on face and there is a particular diet to cure pigmentation on face. this is also Called as Melasma problem and can found in Both Men & Women of 20 to 40 age group

Pigmentation dark spots is a common issue, but sometimes it may make feel somebody as a personality visual defect and may create a lack of confidence.

Pigmentation dark spots are mostly due to increasing melamine production inside our skin due to various natural & unnatural effects. such as Hormonal change, Sun Burn effect of any Lazar or chemical exposure.

There are many home remedies to treat Hyperpigmentation dark spots. Which help to reduce the pigmentation patch color and gain the original skin.

What are the Best Natural and Ayurveda Treatment’s for Pigmentation on Face?

many people ask, which fruit is good for pigmentation?

So, here I have given 15 things which will help you to remove pigmentation in natural way

1] Potato

Does Potato Remove Pigmentation?

Answer is yes, Daily Applying Potato juice or placing potato slices on pigmented skin for 10 minutes helps to reduce the pigmentation dark spot and help to cure the skin naturally. Daily applying potato juice on pigmented skin is the best natural way to treat the dark pigmentation spots.

2] Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is very good for skin cleansing & color enhancement, applying lemon juice on the skin, and washing it after 10 minutes with water helps to cure the pigmented skin. One has to practice it daily till curing the pigmentation spots.

3] Turmeric

Turmeric is the best anti-inflammatory product; turmeric is very useful for skin disease. Turmeric Face Pack is very beneficial for pigmentation natural treatment. to prepare the face pack mix Half Teaspoon Turmeric Powder, 2 Spoons of Gram Flour (Besan), Half T Spoon of Coconut oil, 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice or 1 T Spoon Curd, and add sufficient milk to make a thick paste of the mixture. Apply this face pack regular for10 minutes and wash it with water. Do this practice regularly and you will see the effect very soon with the lightening of color in the pigmented area.

4] Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the best skin soothing product. Daily Applying Organic Apple Cider Vinegar using a Cotton or cloth patch will help to lower the pigmented dark color and match it with original skin.

5] Red Lentil (Masoor Dal)

Red lentil is rich with skin-friendly vitamins. A mixture of red lentil flour (Masoor Dal) in curd or milk. Applying that mixture on the skin for 10-15 minutes and then washing it with water will help to cure the skin pigmentation problem.

6] Baking Soda

Baking soda helps to clean the skin and lower the dark color of skin pigmentation. Mix 1 T-spoon of baking soda and add some water to make a thick paste. Apply it to the pigmented skin area and wash it after 10 minutes. doing this daily will help to cure the pigmentation naturally.

7] Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is a very skin-friendly herb. Applying Aloe Vera gel on the face will not only clear the acne & skin aging problem but also helps in curing the pigmentation spots on the skin. Daily applying Aloe Vera Gel on pigmented skin helps to lower the dark color of the spot and help to match it with the original skin color.

8] Yogurt

Yogurt is a rich source of lactic acid, which helps to clear the skin’s dark spots, treat acne and aging wrinkles. Applying yogurt mixed in Turmeric / Gram Flour will help to reduce the dark color of the Pigmentation Spots and match it with your skin color. You can try Milk Yogurt drink too; it is really effective.

9] Papaya

Applying papaya pulp on the face helps to rejuvenate the skin and also helps to remove the hyperpigmentation on face.

10] Organic Honey

Honey is the best natural skin smoothen, apply a Mixture of Honey & Lemon juice for 10-15 minutes & wash it with water This daily practice will help to reduce the hyperpigmentation dark color.

11] Cucumber

Daily Applying cucumber juice on hyperpigmentation spots will help to lower the darkness of the pigmented area and helps to match it with the original skin color. It is one of the best treatments to remove pigmentation on face.

12] Mustard Oil

Mustard oil contains Vitamin E & anti-inflammatory, Anti-aging nutrients which help in many skin problems. Mustard oil & Turmeric paste helps in lowering the dark spots and reduce hyper-pigmentation on the skin.

13] Tomato Juice

Tomato juice contains vitamin C which is very essential for skin glow.

Daily Applying Tomato juice on hyperpigmented area regularly for 10-15 minutes can help to reduce the pigmentation issue.

14] Coconut Water

Coconut water contains vitamin C which helps to create collagen.

Collagen is a nutrient that helps to fight anti-aging problems. Drinking and applying coconut water daily on the skin helps to cure the pigmentation problem.

15] Fatty Fish Diet for Pigmentation on Face

Fatty Fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring is great diet for hyperpigmentation on face. It contains omega 3 fatty acids, high level of beta carotene and vitamin A which is very beneficial in curing skin pigmentation issues.

Pigmentation can stay for a longer period on the skin. But by the use of the right remedy & by following medical advice, and treatment, it can be cured, and we can make our skin as normal.

Thanks for Reading Team.

Prashant V

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