The Marburg disease declared as an epidemic by WHO. In the first-ever outbreak of Marburg disease, this Ebola group virus taken nine lives in Equatorial Guinea, which is a country in Central African Region. and those patients’ samples has been clinically verified by Global Health Authority in last week and confirms an epidemic like nature of virus.

And as per current situation reported by Equatorial Guinea Health authority, around 16 suspected cases of the Marburg disease are detected confirmed followed by quarantining and test of 200 people for restricting the further spread of the Marberg disease virus.

Although there have been prior outbreaks and isolation cases for such disease in other regions of Africa, such as Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda. This may be the country’s first Marburg outbreak due to highly infectious nature of Marberg virus. And hence everyone should know about it.

What is Marburg disease?
The Marburg disease is a bat-borne viral disease that spreads through direct contact of infected persons bodily fluids and objects. which and first it was affected a human worker in a Vaccination Medical research lab through samples of infected African green monkeys in 1967.

As per WHO, this Marburg viral disease is similar to the Ebola virus which is a highly spreadable with terrible fatality ratio of around 88%.

According to the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (USCDC), Marburg is a rare hemorrhagic fever that may harm human body’s organs which can result in bleeding. According to the CDC, it is a zoonotic virus that, along with the six Ebola virus species, makes up the filovirus family.

Marburg Virus It was first recognized in 1967. in this year 1967 first Marburg virus outbreak was recorded. which started in early August 1967, with 30 people ill in the West German towns of Marburg and Frankfurt and later two in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (which is now a Serbia). 1967 Marburg virus outbreak – Wikipedia

Primary Signs and symptoms of Marburg Viral infection:
Some of the common symptoms seen in the resent cases detected in Equatorial Guinea are as follows, the incubation period of the disease virus is 2-21 days as per global health authority:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Myalgia
  • Rash on check, back or stomach
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Sore throat
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea

Severe symptoms of the Marburg disease after developing disease:

  • Severe weight loss
  • Mental & physical Shock
  • Liver failure
  • Jaundice
  • Delirium
  • Hemorrhage
  • Multi-organ failure
  • Bleeding in internal organs & blood clotting

What are the treatment options available for Marburg Viral disease?
Currently, there is no definite vaccine or treatment available to protect people from the Marburg virus. However, health authorities may use common viral infection treatments such as rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids and Common medical Antibiotics for viral flue & cough cold.

WHO have taken immediate action by sending a team of experts in epidemiology to the central african region where there is outbreak like conditions. WHO Team working for community & authority collaboration, educate people, open testing facilities and do the medical research on patient to establish a treatment method to fight with the Marburg disease outbreak control.

We hope above article will help you to know about Marburg disease.

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