Nurse / Caregiver work is a tough task in medical industry in every disease control as well as critical disease patient care such as cancer. We see today that, Cancer is growing and become one of the world’s most critical Diseases. It’s known for its expensive medical treatment. Cancer is an uncontrolled increase of Body Cells in form of Tumor in any particular body part due to changes in DNA.

Cancer first attacks the human body and infects that body part as well as it starts sucking more body energy to grow the tumor and decreases human Immunity. Also, detection of cancer at any stage can be a major psychological shock to the diseased due to its expensive and painful Medical Treatments.

Cancer can be located in any part of the body such as the Neck, Groan, Under Arms, Stomach, Brain, Bones, Liver and Lungs. Cancer Tumor can be grown in any part of our body unknowingly and can spread inside the body through Blood vessels.

There is no Perfectly available therapy to cure and break the cancer cells. Few available treatments are Radiation or Chemotherapy, Surgery, Platelets therapy and Hormone therapy.

But all the available cancer treatments in the world are time-consuming, Unsure of 100% cure and painful.

Cancer attacks on Human Immunity and also makes him under psychological pressure and in lack of proper counseling and on-time treatment can cause harm to the patient.

So, the First important thing needed to be given to Cancer patients is psychological support. It is of utmost importance for the cancer patient by his family and friends. So, he can come out of the Shock and generate willpower to fight the disease and endure the painful treatment.

Willpower and Immunity are the tools that always help a person to survive any Cancer like a critical disease. And it can be boosted by the person himself and enhanced by.

How to Take Care of Cancer Patient?

Self-healthcare is very essential for every diseased person. This only can be very helpful to maintain the Immunity. It also helps to create a temporary shield to the health till cure.

If every cancer patient will follow the below routine, then it will help him to maintain his immunity against cancer.

  • Routine

Every cancer patient should reshuffle their routine towards a healthy one. A healthy schedule helps cancer patients to not only increase immunity but also help them to divert their mind which psychologically removes their negative Ness came through the diseased body. A healthy routine increases willpower and creates positive thoughts inside a person. which help to reduce the mental pressure of disease Routine includes Exercise, Meditation, Good Diet, Hobby, Sports, More Time by Family Members, Being Socialize, etc.

  • Meditation and Exercise

Yes, the thing which helps to increase health power to fight against disease is Daily Exercise and Meditation. Exercise helps to reduce weight and relax the body muscles. Exercise helps our body to remove old unused body Fat and cells. Meditation diverts the human mind and removes negative thoughts. Yoga and Pranayam help to more oxygenate our body and help to create healthy blood cells which help to fight the disease.

Meditation like yoga has proven and very magical effects on our body in terms of increasing immunity and willpower so those should be done by cancer patients.

  • Diet

A Balanced diet always helps to create better healthy body fluids. A Well-balanced Diet help body to regulate the necessary mineral and vitamin supply. Healthy Food increases the body’s immunity and helps a cancer patient to endure the painful medicinal processes to cure cancer.

Cancer patient diet must include Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Cereals and Sprouted Food Grains, Sprouted Wheat juices, Milk Products, Meat, Chicken, Eggs, Fish, etc. help a cancer patient to increase body energy.

  • Social Healing & Will Power Enhancement

The disease is the event when a person always has a need for mental support. Where his loved ones, his relatives and his friends, His neighbors, His Colleagues and everyone surrounded by him can help him to cure the disease.

Detecting Cancer like Critical disease is itself a big shock to a Patient. Caring for someone with cancer can be done with simple Moral support and Short positive talks. a person also himself can develop his mind to fight the disease. Willpower is the best friend during such critical diseases. the willpower of a Cancer patient can be increase with the help of social support and positive frequent communication.

Important role of Nurse / Care Givers / Caretakers in Cancer Patient Care

What are the expectations and duty roles of a Nurse appointed for a Cancer Patient?
Today More than 15 million people in USA and about 50 million people in the whole world are affected and living with cancer. as per the study of IARC 1 out of Person in the world develops cancer and 1 out of 8 Men and 1 out of 11 Women die due to cancer estimating all over the world.

And for such deadly and devastating disease affected patient, a caregiver is the only mate of this patient on his cancer journey.

Caring for a cancer patient is very crucial and important Task. that plays a Prime role in patient’s recovery. By Being a caregiver Have its own set of challenges. It’s a role for which many caregivers may feel Not Ready. It may take more time and mental readiness to successfully handle the situation.

While worrying about their loved one’s health, caregivers are likely trying to balance the demands of their new responsibility with their obligations, such as family and Job. A Nurse may find himself doing multiple tasks, including:

Who are the caregivers?

A] Medical Attendant: Who navigating the medical system, attending appointments and overseeing paperwork
B] Nurse: taking care of the Cancer patient’s Medical & physical needs
C] Counselor: providing emotional support to the Patient
D] Household manager: dealing with patient routine such as Food, Hygiene, Paperwork, Visitor Management and caring for Patient Family members such as children
E] Finance earner :working to maintain income and health insurance

When a person wants to become a nurse, Then He should go by a change in roles. Maybe he went from spouse to Nurse or from adult child to nurse. Suddenly, he becomes a nurse, a counselor and medical advocate in addition to being a wife, husband, daughter or son.

This Nurse role change may create stretched situations in relationship with your loved one. It may take some time to adjust this change and bringing new expectations.

Caregiver / Nurse Basic Issues:
Caring for a cancer patient can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Physically. Someone may experience fatigue, Loss of Digestion, Lack of Sleep, Acidity, Frustration and Emotionally Imbalance, one may feel down, anxious, guilty, angry, frustrated or helpless.

And usually, many caregivers hide their own needs and focus on their loved one’s need. This may lead to caregiver burnout, which can express to following issues such as: Illness, Increased anxiety, Depression, Irritation, Social Disconnection, Resentment

But although it is challenging to be a Caregiver but also it shows a good feeling inside when a caregiver found himself happily caring for someone of their loved ones. Caregiving may bring you closer to your loved one and make our relation stronger. At the start one may feel alone and un-ready for this new role. Still along the way. One may find forgiveness, strength, compassion and courage through Caregiving Activity.

Important Tips to Caregiver of Cancer patient:
Every Caregiver who is taking care of Cancer patient, should follow below in his routine for good care of the cancer patient he is caring.

Educate self. Learn as much as can about your loved one’s cancer type. treatment Process and potential side effects. Ask your loved one’s doctor about patient education materials and supportive resources. The more you explore knowledge about the disease, the more confident you and your loved one feel about the treatment.

Another important this is Finding a cancer care team whom you can trust. Finding doctors with personalize care facility and who are expert in Treatment of Patient’s Type of cancer. A collaborative approach is also important to help your loved one to go through and win over the side effects during treatment. Also, request doctor to provide greater convenience and Patient care.

Keeping paperwork of One’s medical history, test results and medications. Also, track appointments, physician names and contact information, including the pharmacy number. Which will also help to make a list of your daily responsibilities and prioritize.

being in touch with doctor, tell loved one’s doctors about new symptoms they are facing. Such as changes in sleep, mood, habits or appetite. These side effects may interrupt you’re loved one’s treatment and Disturb Patient’s life. Don’t wait for the next appointment to contact your loved one’s doctors about important findings during treatment.

Follow your loved one’s lead. Don’t tell your loved one what to think or feel Negative. Since you don’t know what your loved one is going through right now, let him or her take the lead. Instead of saying things like, “I know how you feel,” try saying, “I love you and we’ll get through this together.”

Accept your loved one’s bad days. This is the time when you found your loved may be depressed, angry or just having a bad day. It’s unrealistic to expect your loved one to “be positive” all the time. And, putting these demands on him or her will only cause more frustration, guilt and stress. Accept the bad days, give your loved one space if needed and try not to take things personally.

Take a break from cancer. It doesn’t always have to be about cancer. You and your loved one may need a break from cancer every once in a while. Try not to bring up the subject unless your loved one wants to talk about it. Instead, focus on other things, like spending time together doing fun and Entertainment.

Remind your loved one that you care. Your loved one may need extra reassurance and love. Find gifts that reflect diseased apart from cancer (e.g., books, art, music, tickets to an event). Let your loved one know that you still care for him or her as a person and not as a cancer patient.

Grieve your losses. It’s normal to dodge the normal life by a Nurse and your loved one had before cancer. You may need some more period to cover-up your losses. Yet, try not to be caught up in focusing on the past and why this is happening to you. Instead, think about what you can do now. Take it one day at a time, understanding there will be both good and bad days.

Mark Self Go Easy Attitude. Nurses often feel guilty and being everything right. When you make mistakes, you may feel like you could have done something better. You may also feel shame about being healthy. Try to crack the guilt and don’t be too self-hard. Most of all, recognize that protecting own health instead of being a good Nurse.

Put family conflict aside. It’s the Pain time so it is better to cut the conflict: Sometimes hard feelings develop if one Nurse feels they are doing all the work and other family members aren’t chipping in. Everyone reacts differently in this type of situation. Try to be patient with other family members, they are probably doing the best they can. Don’t try to solve underlying issues/conflicts while your loved one is struggling to get better. Try to focus on what is most important at this time.

Prioritize responsibilities. It helps to make a list of daily tasks and prioritize what needs to be done. Space out activities with short rest periods and postpone small jobs. Remember that you don’t have to take over all your loved one’s responsibilities. Your loved one probably wants to feel as independent and in control as possible right now.

Make time for yourself. Care giving can sometimes be isolating and lonely. You don’t have to feel guilty about needing some time for yourself. Your loved one may need the space, too. Start out with small increments of time for yourself each day. Take a walk, watch a movie, call a friend, read a book, get a massage, take a warm bath or listen to music. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, doing something you enjoy can help you feel refreshed.

Monitor your own health. Your health is just as important as your loved one’s is. Don’t ignore physical and emotional symptoms, such as loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping or difficulty concentrating. Stay on top of your doctor’s appointments and any medications you are taking. Make sure to get enough sleep, exercise regularly and eat well, all which may reduce irritability and fatigue. Also, try mind-body techniques, such as relaxation or deep breathing, to reduce stress.

Keep a journal. Many Nurses feel more emotional than usual as they try to cope with a loved one’s cancer. You may feel angry with the cancer itself, the situation, yourself, your loved one, other family members, doctors, etc. These feelings are all normal. It may help to keep a journal or write a letter to release your thoughts and feelings so you can better manage them.

Know your limitations. It’s common for a nurse to feel that they aren’t doing enough to help. Try not to take on more than you can handle. You may be struggling to balance your care giving duties with your full-time job and other responsibilities. Look into the family medical leave policies at your workplace. Consult with your loved one’s doctor to determine if/when professional nursing services may be needed.

Accept help. Some Nurses think they are the only person who can do the job. Don’t be afraid to share the responsibility with others. When people offer to help, be specific about what you need done, such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, yard work, etc. If you need financial advice and assistance, contact your hospital social worker. Also, some websites provide calendars and other tools for coordinating help from others. Some resources available for Nursing of cancer patients include: The National Alliance for Caregiving, National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) and Family Caregiver Alliance.

Maintain Relationship with Others. Maintaining good relations with others definitely help you get engaged with people and creates an emotional support. Share your feelings with family and friends. Join Online group of Nurse, where you can talk about your experiences and exchange thoughts. Such Online social Platforms makes people connected with others without having distance barriers and leaving your place’s. Also, professional counselling by expert nursing Trainer and engaging yourself in cultural activities helps you to more focus on your Cancer Patient Nursing Job.

We hope you like the above information and will be helpful to cancer patients and their caretakers to see the disease in a new and positive way. And lead them to Fight Cancer & similar Disease.

This article will help to answer of below few questions about proper caring of Cancer Patient.

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Book Review on cancer care as a couple: Dear Readers, we want to refer you following very important and informative book on cancer care “We Were Better Together: Navigating Cancer as a Couple with Love, Practical Advice and Expert Guidance” by a very talented Author Robert J. Shearer, who is also a co-founder and former CEO of Shearer Foods

Cancer is one of the worlds critical life-threatening diseases with minimal possible cure available today. Cancer not only terrifies the diseased person but also to his family & siblings. Tackling cancer as a couple and a family is very important to be known for better disease management. And in his book, We Were Better Together: Navigating Cancer as a Couple with Love, Practical Advice and Expert Guidance the writer Robert J. Shearer and his co-writer Karen Bussen have very clearly and very effectively mentioned the ways to effectively handle cancer by a couple and family members.

We appeal our readers to read the book by clicking on following link of Home Page | and also on Amazon Kindle link We Were Better Together: by Robert J. Shearer & Karen Bussen as a very useful information on world’s most critical disease care and refer it to their friends, Family and colleagues whoever needed counseling on cancer care.

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