Peanut Butter spread is one of the most popular food items around the world. This is a multipurpose food supplement which can be eaten along with Local Bread. Hence today we are trying to make you aware about its nutritional facts which are useful for your health,

Nut butter is today’s one of the very popular protein-packed bread spread all over the world. Its vegan healthy and It’s made with simple recipe of ground peanuts — roasted and then blended for a thick paste with added herbs for various flavoring and add-on peanut nutrition facts.

Peanut can be easily available in market in your nearest grocery store or on online marketplace. It is always necessary to check the packing before buying because except salt there could be other add on ingredients such as Additives, Sugar, vegetable oil, and trans fats etc. these things can reduce its nutritional values.

Also, peanut butter can be made at home easily by using food processor.

Peanut Butter Nutrition Information

  • Full 2 Tablespoons of peanut butter contains below Nutritional values
  • Calories: 207
  • Protein: 9 grams
  • Fat: 18 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 6 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Sugar: 1 gram

Nut butter is also a good source of vitamins and nutrition’s few as below:

  • Vitamin E
  • Niacin (B3)
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium

Nut butter nutritional facts are as above. Also, it is a good source of copper mineral which helps to strengthen our bones, maintain body immunity and helps in clearing our blood vessels.

More of health with Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a concentrated source of nutrition that can also help in decrease the risk of occurrence of heart disease. Although peanuts are high with high Fats and calories but those are “good fats”. But as a wise saying “Whatever excess can be Bad”. Hence Consuming PB reduce the risk of weight gain and related health issues.

Also, a good amount of exercise is also needed during high protein intake to balance our body nutrition.

Health benefits

Nut butter contains Omega-6 AND oleic acid which helps in maintain good cholesterol, blood sugar level. Peanut contains fatty acid which helps in lowering the bad (LDL) cholesterol and improve producing Good (HDL) cholesterol. Peanuts are natural source of arginine, an improved amino acid which helps in preventing heart and cardio-vascular disease.

  • Reduced Risk of Diabetes

Peanut contains Oleic acid and Omega-6 which helps in balancing body’s insulin levels. and help to control the sugar imbalance issue which later convert into diabetes.

Those are a great source of antioxidants like manganese, resveratrol, vitamin E, and B vitamins. These compounds help in repairing body cell’s damage. this effect on lowering the risk of chronic cancer, Obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

The healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in peanut butter helps in lowering the risk of weight gain and obesity by moderate consumption.

The person who wants to gain weight can add healthy extra volume in his routine diet to put on good weight for better physique. Gym goers should eat PB daily for more protein and energy.

Making peanut butter at Home?

Recipe for making peanut butter Peanut Butter:

Yes, it’s very easy and simple recipe for making Peanut butter at home

1] Take Half cup of unshelled and Non salted Good Quality Peanuts

2] If required you can also Roost it on Pan for 5-10 Minutes till it grows a little black spot

3] If you are roosting it then keep it aside for 5-10 minutes to cool down and incase non roosted peanuts you can directly put it into Food Processer / Grinder.

4] Crush the peanuts in Blender, after crushing it to small pieces, add come water in it to make its thick spread like paste.

5] You can also add a little Salt, Green Chile, Herbs or Sugar while blending the peanuts in food processor according to your choice taste and health requirement.

Where can we use Peanut Butter in our daily Diet?

This Homemade or Market Bought Groundnut butter is popularly used as a spread on Bread, Biscuits, Toast or for making a healthy sandwich. Also, it can be used as a Dipping for any snack food or can applied while making Frankie or Bread roll. It can also add in fruit salads and ice-creams as per our taste and health need. PB can eat with fruits as a dip and use in fluffernutter sandwich of which recipe in following article fluffernutter sandwich recipe and health benefits – GymBag4U.

Precautions while eating Peanut Butter

  • people with having peanut allergies must avoid eating groundnut butter for prevention from allergies.
  • It contains high fat and calories hence to stop unwanted weight gain it is advised for limited consumption.

Alternatives of Peanut Butter:

Specially there are many nuts available in market with similar nutrient profile like peanuts, such as better source of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Such as

  • Almond Butter

Almonds are also a source of highest nutrients, omega-3s more than Peanut Butter, so this can be a best alternative.

  • Walnut Butter

Walnuts are also a good source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and this also contain less fat and calories than peanuts.

Groundnuts are available in most part of the world, but there is a myth that Russia / Soviet Union have banned Groundnut butter, but it is not a confirm news. In era of 80’s there was less availability of peanuts and its butter in Russia but now a days it is nothing like this.

Yes, somebody may be allergic to Groundnut butter. According to a Nationwise Health survey 3% of American household members found allergic to Peanut products. Hence precaution and consultation is essential before adding any food product in your daily diet.

We hope you are happy with above article and will be useful for your healthy diet

Thanks for visiting us Team

You can refer below very interesting and useful method of making peanut butter at home:

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