hypothermia - winter Sevier health issue

Cold Wave Surviving techniques

Due to major changes in earth environment weather is unpredictable today. Cold wave born deaths are increased by major numbers over death by heat. The Lancet finds that each year, almost 600,000 people die globally from heat but 4.5 million from cold which is terrible.

And many major cities in the world are today facing cold wave due to critically changed environment.

Today we are going to guide on surviving cold wave and extreme cold weather outside.

extreme cold alert
Extreme cold wave alert

1] Warm Cloth:

Wearing warm clothes are essential during cold wave, this helps to keep your body temperature normalize and save you from outside extreme cold weather.

winter warm cloth to Protect Yourself from the Flu: 7 Essential Precautions
winter warm cloth to Protect Yourself from the Cold

2] Hot Food / Hot Liquid / Drinks:

Having a fresh and hot food, and frequent drinking hot liquids such as tea, coffee helps to maintain your internal body temperature and safeguard you from outside cold weather.

3] Staying at Home / Avoid Going out:

It is advised to stay at home will be best during cold wave type situation, it is important to avoid cold environment exposure to your body to safeguard from hypothermia like critical situations by cold weather.

winter home stay
Winter home stay

4] Using Double Mittens / Gloves:

Using double mittens and gloves helps to keep your hands warm and keep you active during cold weather.

mitten gloves for winter care
mitten gloves for winter care

5] Being Alert:

During such cold wave or bad weather always keep in touch with radio / television / social media weather news of your area to keep you update and act accordingly to safeguard self and family.

weather forecast for cold wave
Weather Forecast: Source internet

6] Caring Old age Group People and Kids / Using Heaters:

Cold weather may affect major on health of kids and old age people due to their less immunity. Hence take proper care and provide proper warmth and nutrition to them. If possible, use room heaters to warmup rooms of old age people and kids to safeguard them from outside cold weather.

room heter for cold wave
Home Heater: Source Internet

7] Exercise:

Doing exercise helps to stretch your muscles, increase body oxygen level, and create natural warmness inside your body. So, do regular exercise at home during outside cold wave weather to improve your body immunity.

Indoor Exercise during cold wave
Indoor Exercise: Source Internet

8] Store Enough Water & Keep you Well Hydrated:

Water is our life, hance store adequate water during cold wave, because due to weather your regular tap water supply may delay due to outside freezing conditions. So, make sure you have at least few days drinking water stock at home. Drinking enough water during extreme cold weather helps in well body fluid working, which helps to keep out the hypothermia symptoms away.

Water Storage for cold wave
Emergency Water Storage: Source Internet

9] Make home emergency supplies ready:

Cold wave may restrict you’re going out, for day-to-day goods supply due to outside Sevier cold environment. Hence, keep enough stock of groceries and essential medicines at home.

Healthy Grocery Lists: A Guide to Eating Well
Grocery shopping

10] Hypothermia Awareness:

Talk to your doctor and know the hypothermia symptoms which may cause due to outside cold environment and ask them to suggest protective measures and spot treatments.

Hypothermia - Cold Wave
Hypothermia Condition: Source Internet

We hope above article will help you to safeguard your loved ones from cold waves and extreme weather.

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GymBag4U – Your Fitness is Our Passion

Cold Weather Survival Tactics by Life Saving Expert: Source Discovery YouTube Channel

Prashant V @Gymbag4you@gmail.com

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