BMI Control

BMI Control: How can I keep my body healthy and fit?

Here the question is, how can I keep my body healthy and fit? And we like to tell you that there are many ways to keep a body healthy and fit. As a healthy and fit body keeps you active and also gives you a longer life, supports your muscles, and keeps you away from certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, etc. We can do our own BMI Controlling through various easy ways and help our body to become more healthy and fit and also immune.

What is BMI

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s own weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of his own height in meters (or feet). A high BMI can indicate high body Mass and excessive weight.

Kindly refer below NHS BMI parameters & BMI Calculator link to know about your BMI

BMI Scaling and health condition:
Underweight = <18.50
Normal weight = 18.5–24.90
Over weight = 25–29.9
Obesity Disorder= BMI of 30 or greater

How to Calculate BMI- NIH BMI Calculator:

Calculate Your BMI – Standard BMI Calculator (

Tips to keep body healthy and fit and BMI in control:

Let us discuss the tips to keep a body healthy and fit and BMI in Control:

Keep yourself hydrated:

Keeping yourself hydrated plays an important role in maintaining a healthy and fit body. Drinking water keeps the body’s normal temperature, protects the spinal cord, and removes wastes from your body through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.

Body Hydration for Weight Loss
Body Hydration: Source Internet

A man’s daily necessity of water is 3.7 liters and a woman’s 2.7 liters. Water helps in digestion, helps in the creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and a person can also lose weight by drinking water. There is no flavor added to water; water is free from harsh chemicals, so drinking water is always preferred instead of artificially flavored juices for a healthy and fit body.

Eat healthy meals:

A healthy meal is essential for a healthy and fit body as healthy food reduces the risk of heart disease, gives you a longer life, boosts your immunity, supports your muscles, strengthens bones, and keeps your skin, eyes, and teeth healthy.

Healthy Diet
Healthy Diet: Source Internet

Eat your breakfast daily and take a diet that includes more proteins and fiber. Avoid eating a diet high in calories, fat or sugar because this will result in greater weight gain. A healthy diet gives you a healthy pregnancy and breastfeeding. For a healthy and fit body, consume whole grains, seafood, lean meat, seeds, eggs, legumes, etc.

Exercise regularly:

Daily exercise is essential for a healthy and fit body as it improves your brain health, maintains your body weight, strengthens bones, supports your muscles, and reduces the risk of various diseases.

Routine exercise for weight loss and BMI Control
Routine Exercise for healthy Body: Source Internet

You can go for a walk, along with various home exercises if you cannot go outside daily due to buzy schedule. Always try to Keep yourself physically active, So, it will help to lower your blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve sleep quality.

Get a night of good sleep:

You must get good sleep for a healthy and eventually a fit body with simultaneous actions, not only a good sleep helps maintain your body weight, but it also reduces the risk of heart disease, enhances your mood, boosts your immune system, and gives you a good memory.

Good sleep for weight and BMI Control
Good Sleep = Better body and Energy: Source Internet

It would be best if you slept 7 to 9 hours a day, and people who used to sleep less than 7 hours may face many health issues. Teenagers should sleep 8 to 10 hours daily to minimize the risk of certain disease followed by body unrest.

Take multivitamins:

Taking multivitamins helps maintain a healthy and fit body as multivitamins increase your energy level, improve your mood, memory, and muscle strength, and reduce stress and anxiety.

Multivitamins for better BMI
Multivitamins for Proper Nutrition: Source internet

For a healthy and fit body, you must fulfill your requirements of essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, choline, dietary fiber, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. Take one multivitamin per day and if you want to take more than one then must consult your doctor first.

Manage your emotions:

Managing your emotions is another way to keep your body healthy and fit. Take control of your emotions and also appropriately show your feelings is a difficult bus essential to manage. If you are stressed, then you should connect with others to relieve your stress.

Managing Stress = BMI
Managing Emotions and Stress: Source Internet

Too much stress may disturb the peace of your mind and body, so keep yourself calm and control your aggressive emotions. If you are emotionally healthy, then you are physically healthy.


The question was, how can I keep my body healthy and fit? And we hope by the help of above article you are now aware with the appropriate solution. A healthy body gives you a healthy mind also; if you are not healthy mentally, you are not physically healthy.

Hopefully above information will help you to keep your body healthy and maintain your Healthy BMI.

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Article Contributor: Ms. Ammaim Tanveer

Prashant V

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