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CORONA Virus Disease / CORONA Attack – one bad lesson for humans:

We humans never expect something worse happening earlier before Corona Virus Mass spreading, or maybe we were not ready for it. For the first time the whole world understood the limitations of humans. One thing is clear if we don’t respect and if we do not take care of our mother earth then in future humans will face other major problems from nature.

We pray all our readers to be safe and understood the importance of Life. Today provide information on How to Protect Yourself from Corona Virus Spread.

What is COVID -19: The illness that started in China-Wuhan?

Corona Virus Disease in the year 2020, is caused by an unidentified virus of the coronavirus family that never encountered human. It has come from animals, many of those who infected, either worked or frequently shopped Wuhan Research lab & Wuhan Seafood wholesale market in China.

The death count passed 3000 in China; more than 100000 infected people cases found in China.

We don’t know how dangerous Corona Virus is, but it is spreading easily, and there is no perfect medicine available for this, it is very difficult for saving infected people or those with existing respiratory diseases and low immunity.

PEOPLE who are surviving alive just because of their strong immune system and energy, still, there is no perfect medicine for this virus except vaccination.

CORONA VIRUSES are zoonotic disease, which means they are transmitted between animals and people contact, detailed investigations found that Animals like Cats, Camel’s borne diseases like SARS-CoV(severe acute respiratory syndrome), MERS-CoV(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) are transmitting to Human, moreover, similar coronaviruses.

One precaution advice to request our non-vegan food lovers that, avoid Eating Raw or under-cooked meat or animal organs, as it may cause to transmit such viruses.

Corona Virus Disease
Corona Virus 3D Image

How Corona Virus Disease Spreads?

1>Person to Person Contact:

2>Person to Infected Surface Contact:

Mainly this disease is spreading by contacting infected persons and surface, it spread through sneezing respiratory droplets of an infected person. If by mistake if a person gets this droplet in, then there is a high risk of this disease.

How To Protect Yourself from Corona?

please avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing. Use Mask, Hand Sanitizer and Physical Hygiene Maintenance.

To know more about Covid-19 Immunity you can check following article link Immunity for COVID 19 – GymBag4U

Main Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease:



3.Shortness of breath.

4. In some cases, the infection can cause kidney failure, pneumonia, and even death.

There is no perfect vaccine available, research is still going on, but you can take the following steps reducing your risk of infection:

You can know more about what will be the course of action after covid-19 vaccination Do’s and Dont’s after Covid 19 Vaccination – GymBag4U


1.Wash your hand often with soap and if possible, use hot water.

2.Cover your mouth and noise when you sneeze.

3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if you are touching different objects.

4.Avoid close contact with a sick person.

5. Avoid sharing your things with other people if you are sick because this virus spread easily.

6.clean and disinfect the surfaces you often touch (Mouse, Keyboard, Public phones, and all).

7.Do work from home if you feel sick.

Eat Healthy food, avoid meat, because it can cause other bacteria borne diseases.

A vegetarian lifestyle is proven as a healthy lifestyle through Expert Study.

It’s Again Omicron a new variant is now disturbing the whole world, France and US is repeatedly showing increase in Omicron Cases along with increase in death & hospitalization toll in ICU’s.

So, here is the question do we need take anything extra than covid 19 to prevent from upcoming Omicron threat.

And the answer is Yes, we need to take the double the care whatever care we are taking during covid 19 for improving immunity. Good and Healthy lifestyle, good diet, social distancing, regular use of Mask, Sanitation of hands and body regularly, that’s what we need to continue further to fight and stay safe from omicron variant spread.

Because omicron is more easily speeding virus. Yes, it’s not that sever in earlier stage but need to take double care to stop its spread and keep safe self and our family.

Immunity improvement is an effective weapon against Corona Virus and Covid 19 threat, and this can only be achieved with good lifestyle, Balanced diet, and routine meditation and exercise. Also, we need to engage ourselves in social life with social distancing and precautionary measures. These methods help you to win over on such mutating Corona Virus Pandemic.

And last but not least, Try staying at Home, Co-operate Administration, and concentrate on family, health & skills improvement.

So, once the corona threat overs, you can start your routine with full energy.

What are the symptoms of New Omicron Covid-19 variant?

Like earlier Sars cov virus Omicron variant also have the same symptoms such as

Cough, Fever, Loss of Taste and Smell, Breathing Issue, Energy loss etc., But there is no need of panicking to a healthy person with no prior diabetes, any fetal disease or sugar related issues, if one having such kind of early disease treatments going on should take extra care.

Omicron Covid-19 virus is spreadable but less fetal to a healthy person so there is less worry, but care should be continued, such as using mask at crowded places, washing hands regularly and using sanitizer incase touched with hands at any public place or a sick person. And we should Keep good diet and exercise on to create auto body immunity to fight with any further such infection.

Is there any vaccination available to fight with Omicron Covid-19 Disease?

Vaccination for Omicron are available and can be taken as per doctor’s consultation. For Covid New Variant Omicron BA.4 & BA.5, there are few vaccinations available such as COVAX, Moderna Vaccine, BNT162b2 Vaccine (For Kids 5 to 11 Years).

What is the Isolation period during Covid Omicron Infection to a healthy person got without any diabetic, Luing Disease or Cancer Alike fetal disease symptoms?

According to expert doctor’s min 3 to 7 days of primary isolation is mandatory to a healthy but omicron infected person. If he feels healthy then he can live isolation and go with routine lifestyle with using mask & regular self-sanitizing.

We hope you like the above information on Covid-19 disease, take care of self and family. Thanks for visiting us.

Also, kindly check following links of article on what will be your course of action if you or any of your family member got Covid-19 Infection. What To Do Immediately After You Test Positive For COVID-19? – (


GymBag4u Team

Prashant V

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