Hello Readers, Its Monsoon Showering outside, along with Cold Temperature makes our senses calm & shows happiness in nature makes us happy. But during monsoon several rainy season health issues are also impacting on Human body by lowering the digestion process, Skin Allergies, Viral Infections, Eye Infections, and Food-Borne Infections. This article will help you to know the tips on Rainy Season Healthcare

During rainy season, the change in weather and increased humidity can make you more susceptible to infections and health issues like colds, allergies, and digestive problems. Here are some tips to maintain good health:

Monsoon along with the Green and Wet environment outside brings various health problems that can affect our daily routine. So, along with a few changes in our lifestyle, we can enjoy the monsoon with good health & happiness.

Monsoon Lifestyle Tips:

Avoid Wet Cloth / Shoes:

Wet cloth & shoes may impact your skin & lower body temperature, and constant water contact which causes Skin allergies & Cough Cold like situation. Hence, we should quickly change wet cloth & footwear. we must make habit of carrying an extra pair of cloth & Shoes with us. always keep yourself dry and worm as damp conditions may lead to fungal infections and colds. Wear waterproof clothing and avoid getting wet for prolonged periods. Keep your home dry and well-ventilated to prevent mold growth.

Drink Boiled Water / Intake Warm Water

Monsoon adds the Sky water inside our water resources and may contain parasites. So, it is a healthy way to drink boiled and cooled water during the rainy season. Also, it is advised to drink regular Warm Water to maintain our body temperature and save from Cough & Cold like diseases. Staying well Hydrated during rainy season, although the weather is cooler, it’s important to drink enough water to stay hydrated. Drink boiled or filtered water to avoid waterborne diseases like typhoid or cholera.

Avoid Eating Stale / Heavy Food:

Cooked & Stored Food may create early bacterial infection during the Rainy season. Eating stale food may create digestive problems, so it is better to avoid stale food. Eating Freshly cooked food should prefer during Monsoon.

Regular Drinking Tea / Warm Turmeric Milk

Drinking Ginger, Honey, Basil & Black Paper added Tea during Rainy season is beneficial for our health. It helps to maintain our body temperature & Energy. Drinking Warm Milk added Turmeric & Honey helps in increasing Immunity as well as it helps in Relieving Symptoms of Seasonal Cough & Cold.


Rainy season changes the human body by lower digestion speed and low energy feeling due to less burning process, and to cure it we should exercise daily. By stretch our muscles and keeping up High body activeness all day. Regular exercise helps to keep your immune system strong with light indoor exercises like yoga, stretching, or home workouts. If it’s safe, walking or jogging in the rain can be refreshing, but avoid long outdoor staying in the wet environment.

Maintaining Body and Area Hygiene:

Rainy Season brings many viral infections, and personal hygiene is important to protect our body from them. It is good to bath with Hot water at least two times a day during the rainy season. Washing Hands regularly, keeping clean nails helps to avoid infections during Monsoon. Proper Foot Care is imprtant during the rainy season, as the increased moisture can lead to fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Wear breathable shoes and socks, and change them if they get wet. Wash your feet thoroughly and keep them dry. Also, With the rainy season comes an increase in dust, dirt, and germs. Regularly clean your living spaces and ensure your house is well-ventilated during rainy season.

Eating Good Food

Eating Worm and home-cooked food should be preferred during the rainy season. Outside food should be avoided during Monsoon along with increased parasites & lowered food Hygiene. Avoid street food during the rainy season as during rain there is an always an increase in the risk of foodborne illnesses due to unhygienic food handling. Opt for home-cooked meals and avoid eating raw or street food.

It is advised to wash fruits and vegetables carefully before eating. Also, instead of eating them raw, it is advised to eat fruits and vegetables either cooked or in the form of Soup, etc. It is important to Boost Immunity during rainy season by Eating foods rich in vitamin C (like citrus fruits, berries, and bell peppers) and zinc (like nuts, seeds, and legumes) to strengthen your immune system. Consider adding ginger, garlic, and turmeric to your diet, as they have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

Increase intake of Vitamin C & Anti-Inflammatory Rich Food

It is advised due to lowering body energy and an increase in viral infections, it is advised to eat vitamin C rich fruits/vegetables in Monsoon season to keep the immunity high. Eating Honey, Ginger & Garlic also benefits in keeping the body protected from sudden energy drop. Rainy weather can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut. Eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, or fermented vegetables can help maintain digestive health.

Eggs Eating

It is good to eat Eggs regularly during the rainy season to warm up our body with rich protein and Good Immunity.

Follow Living Hygiene

During the rainy season, it is advised to keep the surrounding environment clean & hygienic to stop the viral infections & various rainy season health issues.

Lower Air Condition Usage

Air condition should use less during monsoon, due to lower outside temperature may give a thermal shock to our body along with contacting Air-conditioned air. Also, disease virus strength increases in a cold environment. So, it is better to minimize the Air condition use during the rainy season to protect from infections and seasonal Cough & Cold.

Mosquitos Protection

Rainy seasons are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which can transmit diseases like malaria and dengue. Use mosquito repellents, wear long sleeves and pants, and sleep under a mosquito net if necessary. Mosquito increases during the rainy season, they lay eggs on pond water, and in few weeks turn into Skin Allergy Causing & deadliest mosquito. Such as Dengue Anopheles Mosquito, which can cause deadliest Dengue disease. So, it is advised to close the house doors all day during rainy season to prevent mosquito entrance in the house. It is also advised to use Mosquito repellent and Mosquito Killing Chemicals during monsoon to safeguard from mosquito born rainy season health issues.

Avoid Wet Hairs & Body:

It is required to dry immediately our hairs & body in case wet under the rain, because this may lead to cold & thermal shock to our body. Using Hair Dryer is a good option during the rainy season to dry hair.

Avoid Meat / Fish products

It is recommended to Lower eating meat/fish products due to an increase in contamination in water, Lack of Hygiene & Parasitic infection increase in animals during Rainy reasons. Whatever eating should be boil/cook properly.

Avoid eating Oily Food

During monsoon season many people try to eat deep fried snacks, such as PAKODA’s Samosas & Fried Chicken etc. But it is advised to lower the oily food intake during monsoon season, which helps to avoid Monsoon diseases like sore throat, cough, Throat Infection etc.

Eating Fruits during Monsoon

There are few fruits in case of normal health Papaya and Steamed Apple can be eaten during monsoon Season those vitamins contains High Amount of Vitamin C which improves our immunity. Also, Oranges and Lime can be eaten as a topping with various food items if you are without Cough and Cold Symptom.

Monsoon Diarrhea Care

As water contaminates during monsoon season. Hence, it is Better to drink boiled water always during monsoon season for maintaining health during monsoon. this eliminates Diarrhea issue due to contaminated water. Eating fresh food also helps to reduce diarrhea and upset stomach issue threat during monsoon.

Monsoon Disease Control

It is advised to Contact your nearby doctor for pre monsoon disease healthcare, But There are few things you can do at home, such as During Diarrhea you can eat banana or Sagoo or Sabu dana Pudding which helps in stopping constipation within 24 hours. Brown or un-polished rice consumption during monsoon is also helpful for upset stomach issues during monsoon season.

For monsoon health care, it is recommended to Lower eating Vegetables, meat/fish products. Increase Intake of Fresh and Warm Food, Drinking Lots of water, Daily Exercise, Keeping Hygiene Environment & avoiding wet conditions helps our body to stay healthy in the Monsoon season.

By following these above practices, you can stay healthier and more resilient to the challenges the rainy season.

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If you want to know more interesting information summer health care and disease control, then check our following article How to stay healthy in summer season? – GymBag4U and few other our articles. https://gymbag4u.com/seasonal-juice-cautions-what-to-avoid-during-different-seasons/ and https://gymbag4u.com/cold-and-flu-season-prevention-and-management-strategies/

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