Dear Readers, Pregnancy is a very precious moment for every woman in her life. Although it’s important period for a Pregnant. But she also needs to take care of her health and fitness to make this time healthier and safer for herself and baby. Hence kindly refer our below important tips for women who are going to be a mother.

Tips for Pregnant Women:

  • Healthy diet important for every pregnant woman to watch out. Diet helps to provide essential nutrition and energy to women and her child. Hence from breakfast to dinner everything must be consulted with a doctor for a healthy and safe baby delivery / pregnancy.
  • Drinking plenty of water is essential for pregnant women to keep body hydrating. drinking coconut water and fruit juices helps to maintain energy and reduce nausea during pregnancy.
  • taking Vitamin doses during and after pregnancy by doctors’ consultation helps in better nourishments of women & child.
  • A moderate exercise and yoga after recommendation by a doctor helps in safe pregnancy to a woman. Exercise should be mild and only after consultation of doctor. Heavy workout and physical during pregnancy may leads to complications.
  • Preparing a childbirth plan and make self and your family ready for the same with the help of doctors can be a good and safe option for pregnancy.
  • Educate yourself continuously during and after pregnancy to regain the health of self and the baby. in terms of nutrition, health and safe pregnancy.
  • always keep a track of your weight during pregnancy normal weight during pregnancy can be 25 to 35 pounds. There could be complications if weight will be very less or excess. Always consultant with doctor if found any such variation in weight during and after pregnancy.
  • Change your daily routine to a safe one, such as avoid hard physical work, avoid smoking / drinking habits if any for a safe pregnancy.
  • All time use slippers / chappals inside and outside home to avoid seasonal diseases such as cough / cold arrives with winter or rainy season.
  • Folate is a vital nutrient for a child development, hence eat folate rich food for good development of a child. Such folate rich foods are lentils, asparagus, oranges, fortified cereals, Sprouts etc.
  • Calcium rich food is good during pregnancy for better development of child bones. such as Milk and dairy products, soya products, fish products etc.
  • Eating fiber rich food helps to reduce constipation impact in pregnant women and enhance nutrition to child as well as women. hence, eat more fiber rich food such as Fruits, Vegetables mainly leafy vegetables, Grains, Oats, Root Vegetable (such as Potatoes Carrot, Radish, Beat Root), Broccoli Brown Rice, Dry Fruits (Such as Fig, Apricot etc.) to improve body fiber input.
  • Avoid eating unpasteurized cheeses & dairy items as it may contain bacteria can cause illness
  • Eat more veggies and preferable soups provides taste and energy and reduce nausea and constipation impact.
  • Eat five or six well-balanced meals each day, you must plan your diet with the help of your doctor.
  • Avoid overeating and high calorie food during pregnancy, as woman only needs 300-500 additional calories in those days. make a habit of keep a note of your calorie intake & diet.
  • Limit caffeine and caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee etc. Also avoid carbonated drinks as this may create gastric troubles during pregnancy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (six 8-ounce glasses of water per day)
  • It is better for a pregnant woman to avoid alcohol, ice drinks or mocktails, as it may cause health issues including digestive diseases and illness.
  • Always use a sunscreen lotion on your body if visiting outside during hot temperature.
  • Avoid hectic travelling including air travel and travel by road during pregnancy. a Low distance rail travel can be a better option.
  • Avoid changing cat litter, around 65% to 85% of pregnant women in the United States have a chance of getting toxoplasmosis. Women who are having a Cat Animal in their residential area may found possibilities of getting toxoplasmosis
  • Give in to cravings, watch on the portion size you eat sometimes, this helps to avoid over calorie intake.
  • always follow your doctor routine appointments regularly. Prepare a list of Hospital helpline / Doctor Phone numbers and contact them immediately upon feeling any concerns
  • Don’t smoke; Also avoid secondhand smoke to reduce risk of bacterial illness.
  • Get enough sleep, as a good sleep of mother helps a good nourishment and development in child.
  • Wear your seatbelt while travelling, as an immediate breaking and road bump may damage your Overy during pregnancy.
  • Avoid taking any unprescribed medicines or herbal remedies without a doctor consultation
  • during pregnancy, see once to your dentist, upon feeling any dental issues, so they can diagnose and treat accordingly.
  • If possible, attend a pre-pregnancy class before having a pregnancy to learn about caring for self and baby during and after pregnancy.
  • Also, you can Baby sit for a pregnant friend’s or newborn baby to take real pregnancy care experience to educate yourself.
  • Once Tour nearby birth facilities to know more about treating doctors and their additional facilities.
  • Practice body relaxation techniques daily such as doing yoga, little stretching, deep breathing, and oil massage etc.
  • Avoid more Oily, deep fried or uncooked food as this may create digestive and nausea issues.
  • Don’t overmedicate yourself, also avoid anti vomiting / anti-nausea pills during pregnancy as this may create complications. As vomiting is a natural process of our body toxic removal during pregnancy. And in case of high vomiting issue always consultant with a doctor.
  • Always Stretch one time daily before going and avoid leg cramps as legs are carrying more weight
  • Track self and baby healthy periodically during and after pregnancy with the help of doctors for a safe pregnancy.
  • Always keep handy an emergency healthcare contact number/ ambulance number and your family caretakers’ number in case of emergency. If possible, do an advance registration at nearby maternity facilities and keep their emergency number handy to avoid on time rush.


Whereas an expert doctor consultation and family attention is always essential for a pregnant woman. So, she can be able to give a safe birth to the child safely and without any health-related complications.

Becoming mother or father is a most joyous moment in a couple’s life. Therefore, our above article will help a mom to prepare well for her safe and healthy pregnancy.

We hope you like above article on Pregnancy tips for Moms,

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