Dear Readers, we all know Ayurveda” an ancient treasure of knowledge for Human Health. Chawan prash benefits are also proven scientifically for long-term health benefits as per Ayurveda for immunity and body energy enhancing due to Vitamin C Enriched Aamla / Indian goose berry is the main ingredient of “Chawanprash” which is an ayurveda for immunity.

“Chawanprash” a Jam Like Preparation made of Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and other 50+ Herb. Consumption of this benefits in our body for immunity boosting and Good Digestion.

Chawanprash recipe found mentioned in ancient book “Charaka Samhita”. where a Story for preparation of ancient God Physician Ashwini Kumara. Who made An Ayurvedic preparation to rejuvenate Rishi Chawan’ health, which named as a “Chawanprasha” Chawan = Chawan Rishi and Prash = Eatable. And magically that preparation turned Rushi Chawan into a Young Man.

Originally it contains Ancient 8 Herbs along with Aamla. But today we lost the knowledge about exact herbs, except “Amalaki” or “Amla”.

But, still by adding a few good herbs as mentioned in Ayurveda used for preparing.

What is “Chawanprash”?

“Chawanprash” turns it into a Body Energy Booster.

“Chawanprash” made of Amla Extract, contains vitamin C and antioxidants.

Benefits of “Aamla” for Tri Dosh Nivarana (Vata, Pitta, and Kafa) are shown below shloka of Shrut Sanhita.

आम्ल समधुर तिक्त कषाय कटुक सरंम !
चक्षुष्य सर्वदोषघ्न् वृष्यमामलकीफलंम !
हन्ति वात तद्म्लत्वातत्पित माधुर्यशैत्यत !
कफ रुक्षकषायत्वात फलोभ्य अभ्यधिक च त त !!
सुश्रुत संहिता ४६ / १४३ – १४४

Above Sholka means Aamla Juice removes the Vata Dosha, which benefits in the Bone joints problems. The Cold & Sweat Nature of Aamla benefits in Pitta Dosha means it benefits in Digestion related issues by controlling the Metabolic Acid Creation. It’s Bitter & Dry Taste helps on the Kafa dosha means the Aamla Juice also benefits on Breathing & Cough related Problems.

Aamla also benefits on Blood Sugar Control due to its ingredients such as “Aamla” Extract and other 50 herbs like Ashwagandha, Bela, Pippali, Gokshura, Guduchi, Shatavari, Brahmi.

Those ingredients benefit human rejuvenation and anti-aging effect as per Ayurveda.

We can eat “Chawanprash” in every season, because of its Gut friendly nature.

Benefits of “Chawanprash”

  1. Strong Digestion system due to beneficial for balancing stomach acidic chemicals
  2. Increase in production of White & Red Blood Cells
  3. Its antioxidant Herbs helps to prevent from Acne & Wrinkles
  4. Along with the increased immunity, it prepares our body to fight against viral diseases.
  5. It helps in asthmatic diseases & Diabetic Diseases & Heart diseases by helping in maintaining the body in Good Blood and Breathing circulation.

How to Eat Chawanprash?

Commonly few thoughts are there on Eating “Chawanprash” with Milk or Water, but it also can be eaten like a Jam with Bread or Roti. A spoon full of Chawanprash daily in the Morning benefits more to our body.

Chyawanprash is an Ayurvedic herbal jam that is made with a blend of Indian goose berry, herbs, fruits, and spices. It is believed to have a number of health benefits, including:

  • Boosting immunity: Chyawanprash is a good source of antioxidants and nutrients that can help to boost the immune system. This can help to protect the body against infections.
  • Fighting infections: Chyawanprash has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which can help to fight against infections. This includes respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and skin infections.
  • Improving digestion: Chyawanprash can help to improve digestion by increasing the production of digestive enzymes. This can help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and constipation.
  • Reducing stress: Chyawanprash has been shown to have adaptogenic properties, which means that it can help the body to cope with stress. This can help to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality.
  • Slowing down aging: Chyawanprash is rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the body against damage from free radicals. This can help to slow down the aging process and improve skin health.
  • Promoting hair growth: Chyawanprash contains nutrients that are essential for hair growth, such as iron, zinc, and biotin. It can help to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth.

The recommended dosage of chawanprash varies depending on age and health condition. In general, adults can take 1-2 tablespoons of chawanprash daily. Children under the age of 12 should take half of that amount. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult with their doctor before taking chawanprash.

Here is a table of the age-wise dosage of chawanprash:

1-12 years1 teaspoon
12-18 years1 tablespoon
Over 18 years2 tablespoons

It is important to note that chawanprash is a concentrated herbal preparation and can have side effects in some people. If you experience any side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, stop taking chawanprash and consult with your doctor.

Overall, chawan prash made with using goose berry is a safe and effective way to boost immunity, fight infections, improve digestion, reduce stress, and slow down aging. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking chawan prash, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Hope you like above information on Indian goose berry made Chawan Prash an ayurvedic natural Immunity Booster.

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