Langot is an ancient cloth popular in Indian Continent, it is a Cloth used as an inner wear mentioned in ancient Indian scripts. Langot Benefits are mentioned in highly found in many old Indian scripts. And today along with modernization and knowledge many health enthusiasts have stopped wearing modern underwear completely because for men Wearing a Langot is very comfortable and with its health benefits. you can adjust how fit or lose you want it to wear. Usually while exercising I make it tighter that gives me great support. And while going to bed I loosen it and sleep only in my LANGOT.

the experience of wearing Langot during exercise is a much comfortable and useful Gym wear option for men. Hear you will know more about the benefits of Langota wearing as a regular inner wear during exercise.

As per health experts Langota / Kaupinam like Comfortable Gymwear cloth helps for better exercise effects on human body. This naturally improved our Overall Health by provide a comfort to the person during gym or exercising for better results.

Wearing comfortable cloths such as Langota is the need of body, and when we hear our body, our body hears us in terms of Health and feel improvement.

Comfortable Cloth such as Langota helps to ease our mind with body comfort and removes brain distractions for better concentration on exercise and daily health routine.

This article is all about the Langota, its uses and its better health benefits to make our Mind & body fit with comfortable cloth use effect such as Langota. This article helps you to know how just a simple cotton lion cloth wearing as inner wear / sportswear during Gym / yoga practice shows amazing effects towards gaining Healthy lifestyle.

But what is Langota ?

The Langota is a traditional inner wear of Indian Ancient people. It styled with a simple loincloth or cotton cloth with a unique wearing technique used by Yogis and is become popular among their followers popularly worn as underwear. It has been in use from more than 5000 years ago as mentioned in Vedic scripts. Langota is mainly used by men. It consists of a long, narrow single piece of cotton which is first placed between the legs and then wrapped tightly around the waist.

The biggest feature of the Langota is that it is made of cotton cloth wich is considered as skin friendly. Which does not generate unnecessary heat. Therefore, wearing Langota is considered good for men’s health.
Whenever you do a complex exercise or workout, then definitely wear Langota. It is necessary for the health of the private part of men and does not put unnecessary pressure on it.

Why to wear laogota in gym?

LANGOTA Wearing / Kaupinam Wearing Benefit’s

We see with below information, why the Langota is the best cloth to wear during Exercise and Yoga?

We should wear Langota during exercise and yoga practice for its’ variety of benefits upon using on regular basis. Its main value is in its ability to give support to the pelvic area – the junction between the top and bottom part of the body. As well as directing the flow of body energy upwards, instead of allowing it to be spread randomly around the body, this is of particular value in preventing bone and organ displacement.

Langota helps to protect human testis from harsh Gym exercise and excessive body Stretching. We know that human testis is important to produce male harmanes which helps in developing body muscles & sperms which are very important for human reproductive system.

The yogis realized that in view of the infinite angles of movement involved in the course of exercise and in such practices as bending and lifting the tissues of the body are subjected to repeated stresses, and when certain muscles are lacking in tone this can lead to such problems as hernia or organ prolapse. The Langota like garment can therefore be as beneficial to a builder or gardener as to a yoga practitioner, or somebody involved in another form of exercise such as jogging or weightlifting.

There are no studies that shows the real benefits of Langota to Women except benefits during yoga, but in few vedic scripts Yoginis or Women Followers wear Langota for benefits during yoga kriyas.

Langota / Kaupinam helps to lower the heat by circulating proper airflow near the pelvic area, which helps to reduce heat effect and skin rashes which are caused by other Gym Inner wear or Inner Pants. Also, Langota wearing prevents swelling raised near abdominal area due to heavy exercise.

The persons who have wet dream issue or night fall issue should wear Langota which helps to lower the frequent Nightfall Problem.

Wearing Langota also improves sexual life. Therefore, it is now mandatory in some gyms to wear Langota during complex workouts. Sometimes testicles size increases due to more workouts or hard work. Which causes pain in them. Scientists believe that to maintain fertility, it is most important to take care of the health of testicles. Sometimes, there is a problem of overflowing in them. Which affects the sex life. Langota is very helpful in protecting from all these problems.

So, definitely above facts make a fitness enthusiast to must try Langota / Kaupinam due to its Great benefit’s. It is advised to use coconut oil inside Langota skin for better comfort.

Caution: there are few directive studies which also suggest wearing Langota constantly for long time may affects male fertility, but there are no valid proofs which makes it safe to wear.

Langota is considered as a best inner wear for men as per Yoga Shastra’s Vedic scripts written 1000 years Ago. Wearing Langota helps to stop excessive movement of Intestine and testis and help in Awakening Kundalini during regular Meditation Practice’s. Along with Healthy Diet Regular Exercise is very Important for health. Therefore, comfortable wear is always important while doing exercise ang yoga.

Langota usually made of Cotton Cloth. Cotton Cloth is best all-season fabric to protect skin with its smoothness and anti-rash quality. Langota / Kaupinam provides strength and stamina during rigorous Yoga and Exercise Practices.

Langota or Kaupinam is also popular among Indian wrestlers. And a game called “Kushti” in India a form of ancient wrestling. Langota helps to safeguard Wrestlers from Hernia and other testicles issues like “hydrocele” during intense Wrestling Game and physical exercise.

Procedure of wearing langota:

refer below video to know the langota wearing procedure.

How to wear Langota & know the Benefits – in Hindi – YouTube

1] Take the Langota and put it against your pelvis/lower back area with the long edge of the triangle against your back.

2] Then hold the two straps from the hips and bring them together in front of you.

3] Hold the straps with one hand and with the other bring the “tail” up between the legs and thread under the straps and hold it up under the chin.

4] Thread the straps to form a half knot.

5] Pull the straps tightly in as shown above

6] Whilst still holding the straps bring the left hand round to rest on the left hip and bring the right hand around the body to meet with the left hand. Cross the straps over and pass the right hand around the body once more tying the straps in front of the left hip.

7] Release the “tail” from under the chin and pull down over the straps to tighten it between the legs.8.   Pull the “tail” through the legs so it is folded back on itself, and bring it up to the straps at the back. Whilst doing this it is important for men to make sure that the genitals are balanced.

8] Thread the “tail” through the straps, tightening it again, and then wrap the excess length of the “tail” around the straps, maintaining the tightness all the time.

When to not wear langota?

  • During any internal abdominal injury it is advised to avoid Langota for safeguarding the Pressure Pain
  • After Pelvic Injury, hernia, and lower body surgeries it is advised to avoid wearing Langota.
  • Due to improper wearing of Langota may cause Pain, Rashes and Testicles issue. Therefore, user should fist learn the proper langot waring process before regularizing it.

Today many followers of Vedic Culture, Yoga and ancient Exercise Technique including Traditional “Kushti” prefer wearing Langot. It supports lower body during Exercise and yoga. it is recommended by “Mentors” to wear Langota for better exercise positioning. Also, as described in ancient scripts to awake “Kundalini Shakti” in Humans.

as per the ancient scripts wearing Langot regularly helps to control intimate desires and balance the sacral body divine chakra. It also promotes internal body energy and enhances physical strength of a person.

LANGOTA is not just an undergarment. Langot is very useful Gymwear to enhance exercise effect on Human body and awaken kundalini Energy.

LANGOTA is an undergarment cloth which we can find on many online shopping portals. Also, there are many videos online which will help you to know how to wear the LANGOTA.

Wearing langot can be a best way to protect your pelvis & genitals & muscles to prevent displacement.

We hope you like our article on Langota an ancient gymwear cloth and its Benefit’s. This article will help you to encourage wearing Langota during daily Gym exercises & Yoga Sessions to gain its benefits.

If you want to know the langot wearing process, you can check out YouTube video.

We hope you like our above article stating langota benefits or LANGOTA Wearing / Kaupinam Wearing Benefit’s.

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